10th August 2012

Selling a House – Preparing Your House for Sale

By Darlings Of Chelsea

There are two things that can be said of everyone who is looking to sell their house. Firstly they want to do so as quickly as possible, and secondly, they want to achieve the best price for it.

You’ll notice the title of this article refers to selling a house rather than a home. There is a very good reason for this. You’ll struggle to sell your property if you think of it as a home because you aren’t showing other people it could be their home instead. They don’t want to see your possessions or personal touches – they want to see a blank canvas they can call their own.

This is all about home staging – the process of transforming your home into a house that can be sold. Let’s find out more.

Selling a House

Many sellers focus on the interior of their property before they put their house on the market. While this is understandable, it is also necessary to focus on the exterior. After all, when the estate agent arrives with a potential buyer, what are they going to see first – the interior or the exterior?

Focus on some simple tips to ensure everything looks good outside. Mow the lawn if there is one, add some hanging baskets to introduce a splash of colour and repaint wooden window frames and the front door. If you’ve got uPVC windows and doors, wash them down until they gleam. It’ll make the world of difference.

Preparing Your House for Sale

Now it is time to go inside and see how a few home staging tips can help you sell your house more quickly. Firstly, remove any personal items from every room. Think of photo frames, ornaments and other similar items. You may love them and they might look good, but your potential buyers aren’t interested in them. They’re interested in the house itself and whether it could be a good buy for them. If you allow them to see the house as it is – nicely decorated, neat and tidy and with no clutter – you’ll make it easier for them to make a positive decision.

uncluttered room - selling your house

You’ll notice we mentioned clutter there. This is hugely important. Cluttered houses hide the room’s dimensions and possibilities. Clutter makes a room look and feel smaller. It is also off-putting. Get rid of it all now – bin what you don’t need and pack away what you want to take with you when you move.

It’s worth investing some cash in sprucing up the interior of your home as well. For example, a quick coat of paint on the walls can make all the difference to the appearance of a particular room. Go for neutral colours, even if you don’t like them. They will give people a blank canvas to look at, making it easier to imagine putting their own stamp on the property.

If you’re trying to sell and you’re not having much luck, follow these tips now and see the difference.

Images via www.home-designing.com & www.housetohome.co.uk